jQuery: What’s the Difference Between $(this), $this, and this?

When doing jQuery development and looking at the code in other people’s jQuery functions and plugins you’ll eventually see that different developers will use different syntaxes in different places. This is probably most apparent in the use of the term “this”. Sometimes you will see this. Other times you will see $(this) and still other times you will see $this. What is the difference between all of these and when should you use each one?

The this pointer in JavaScript refers to the current object that we are running our code inside. In JavaScript everything is an object, so the scope of this is always changing.

Let’s say we had a page like one that is shown below…

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<div id="one" class="myClass">One</div>
<div id="two" class="myClass">Two</div>
<div id="three" class="myClass">Three</div>
<div id="four" class="otherClass">Four</div>

<script type="text/javascript">



Now in the <script> section let’s add some jQuery to loop through all of the elements with the “myClass” class (all the <div>’s on the page. As many know, to do this we use the jQuery each method. Inside of each we can use the pointer “this” to refer to the current DOM element in set of elements we are on.

$(document).ready(function() {
       // do something with this here


Let’s use the native JavaScript function getAttribute() to get the id attribute of each element.

$(document).ready(function() {


If we look in our console, we can see that the text one, two, three appears (the id attributes of each DOM element that has “myClass”). So everything works as expected.

But as you know jQuery also has a method for getting an attribute: the attr() method. So let’s try it with that.

$(document).ready(function() {


However if we look in our console we get an error.

Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method ‘attr’.

Why is that? We know we are referencing the correct DOM element. Well, it’s because we haven’t wrapped this (the current DOM element) in jQuery so that we can call jQuery methods on it. That’s really the big distinction between $(this) and this. They both refer to the same object. However, if you want to use any jQuery on the object, it must be wrapped in a jQuery object as $(this) like so.

$(document).ready(function() {


The reverse is also true. Because the $() is a jQuery wrapper, you cannot call native JavaScript on it. So $(this).getArribute(‘id’) also wouldn’t work.

So that’s the big thing to remember. If you want to call a jQuery method on your object, wrap it it $(). If you want to use a native JavaScript method, don’t wrap it in $(). Just use plain ol’ this

What about $this?

$this is a little different because it’s actually just a variable that uses the $. It has no inherent relation to jQuery. It would be no different than JavaScript variables named $corn or $carrots. You just was easily say var $this = “My pet cat is named Mittens.”; It’s just a variable with the dollar sign in it. JavaScript allows characters like this in variable names. The reason that you see use of $this inside of jQuery plugins is that often times developers in the global scope inside of their plugin will say something like:

var $this = $(this);

That way they can always have a reference to the object on which the plugin was called. The scope of “this” will change in any methods used inside the plugin so it’s always good to have a global variable (that is, global inside the plugin scope) which you can refer to the object on which the plugin was called. But the important thing to remember is that $this has no inherent relation to jQuery. It’s just a variable like any other.

Personally however, I never really liked naming the DOM element object using that convention. I always used var object = $(this); as can be seen in some jQuery plugins I have written. I figured with all the this’s running around inside of all of these objects, no need to throw another one in there if not absolutely necessary. But it’s really just a matter of personal preference there 🙂

Hopefully this has cleared up some of the weirdness in uses of different this syntaxes.

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4 Responses to jQuery: What’s the Difference Between $(this), $this, and this?

  1. rupesh says:

    good… 🙂

  2. Amresh says:

    very useful and clear concepts

  3. Aldi Unanto says:

    Great. Helpful

  4. Sithira Prabash says:

    Thank you very much … 🙂

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