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A Node.js Primer

Moving into the second decade of the 21st century, if you have been immersed in the web development community — and more specifically, the JavaScript community — in any capacity, then you likely remember hearing something about Node.js discussed somewhere. Maybe you already know all about it, maybe you know a little, or maybe you’re not yet familiar with it. In what follows, we’re going to take a brief look at some of the components of Node.js, what it is, and why people have gotten excited about it.

Node.js Introduction

What is Node.js? Before we get into that, let’s back up a minute and start by talking about web servers. You know about web servers, right? They’re computers that have software running on them that are able to respond to HTTP requests from clients (which most of the time means browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer… either desktop or mobile). They’re written in languages like Perl, C, and C++. Then they have other code like Python or PHP that runs on top of them so that when a client connects to a server, all the code runs, works it’s magic (hopefully in a semi-functional way) and returns a web page of HTML to the browser… or if the endpoint is a web service: XML or a JSON payload. This is a pretty standard interaction that occurs billions of times each day across the world. If you do anything on the Internet, you participate in this process most often without even thinking about what is going on behind the scenes in the client-server interaction.

So where does Node.js come into the picture? Basically Node.js is an implementation where, instead of responding to HTTP requests, processing them, and returning web pages using the aforementioned languages, you use JavaScript instead! Node.js becomes a web server written in JavaScript. And it doesn’t just stop there. You can also run Node.js right in your own desktop environment and use utilities to perform file processes and other tasks just as you could do if you were using an installed application that was written in Java or something else. So Node.js could perhaps be better described as “JavaScript running outside of the browser.” Local applications are definitely a very useful component of Node.js, but we’re going to specifically focus on the aspect of using Node.js as a web server. But I’d definitely recommend looking at a number of different utilities available for installation to see if you can use Node.js in your development processes or just as something that makes your life easier in some way.

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JavaScript Modules

When programming with more advanced implementations of JavaScript, such as projects using Backbone.js, Node.js, RequireJS, or often some sort of combination of these, you will inevitably come across discussion about the concept of JavaScript modules. Modules are small pieces of decoupled code — code containing no or very few dependencies — that exist as standalone components. These modules can be used by an application to solve a particular problem. The use of modules is not a requirement to create JavaScript applications. They’re just a way of organizing code to solve common problems that arise when creating applications. In that sense, modules can be thought of as a “design pattern.” There may be cases where you want to use the module pattern in combination with other design patterns. Or, there may be where you’d want to use a different design pattern altogether. It all depends on the nature of the app you are building.

That being said, the use of modules can be a very flexible and commonly used pattern for many different types applications — from games, to web apps, to script loaders, to just about everything else. So it is definitely something worth knowing if you’re in the business of creating large-scale JavaScript applications.

So let’s take a look at a module in native JavaScript…

var moduleNamespace = (function () {

    var privateVariable;
    var privateMethod;
    privateVariable = 0;

    privateMethod = function( foo ) {
        console.log( foo );


    return {
        publicVariable: "foo", 
        publicFunction: function( bar ) {

In the code above we have a variable named “moduleNamespace” that is assigned to an anonymous Immediately-invoked Function Expression (IIFE) — also sometimes refereed to as a self-executing function. It’s basically a function that will automatically run in your application when it’s declared. The end result is that there’s no need to write moduleNameSpace(); elsewhere in our program.

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Concatenate and Compress JavaScript with UglifyJS

The benefits of using something like RequireJS to asynchronously to load your project’s JavaScript was discussed previously. However, if you wish to load JavaScript in the more conventional way (that is, just sticking a script tag or tags in the browser) there are quick and lightweight ways to make this an efficient and viable option as well. These methods involve concatenating and compressing (minifying) your JavaScript files into one script file. At the end of the process you’ll only need to end up loading this one large script file (which is a lot quicker than loading numerous smaller scripts file) Additionally, if you concatenate your JavaScript files in a particular sequential order, you can easily make this a way to manage your dependencies… you just need to make sure that you load the dependency libraries before you load the libraries that require them. The tools we will look at in what follows makes this a fairly simple process.

To accomplish this in my workflow I use something called UglifyJS. It’s a simple package that runs in a Node.js environment. Node.js is a platform that allows you to run JavaScript system level applications on a server environment (or in this case, on our local machine). We can open our terminal and type something like “node myJavaScriptFile.js” and run some JavaScript we have written to do all kinds of neat stuff… all outside of the browser. So first things first, go and download and install Node.js if you haven’t already.

After that navigate to the directory where node is installed and run…

npm install uglify-js -g

nmp (which stands for Node Package Manager, is a way of quickly installing the latest version of Node applications). You may have seen this elsewhere with Python’s pip command or Ruby’s gems. The -g parameter stands for global, which will enable you to run UglifyJS from anywhere on your machine.

Now what you can do is simply run the command according to the following format in the directory where your JavaScript files are…

uglifyjs -o scripts.js javascript-file1.js javascript-file2.js javascript-file3.js

In the example above, javascript-file1.js, javascript-file2.js, and javascript-file3.js will all be concatenated and compressed into a file named scripts.js file in the order in which they were set. So following this convention, you can load your dependencies where they are important in your JavaScript projects. Backbone.js, for example, has a hard dependency on Underscore. So you’d want to add Underscore *before* you’d add Backbone if you were doing a Backbone project. Also, a lot of times developers like to have jQuery available to them in their Backbone models, collections and views. So we could add jQuery into our list of files as well resulting in something like the following…

uglifyjs -o scripts.js underscore.js jQuery.js backbone.js

** Note that all of these files (underscore.js, jQuery.js, backbone.js) have to exist within the directory that you’re running the command from. scripts.js will be created if it doesn’t exist and overwritten if it does.

But whatever JavaScript you decide you need to include, all you have to do once the UglifyJS build process is complete is load the scripts.js file in your HTML. You can name this file whatever you want (it doesn’t have to be scripts.js). What I usually do in my workflow is set up a .bat file (and call it build-js.bat or something) that has all of my files and their dependencies set in the order that I need them. Then when I need to deploy my JavaScript to production I just run the .bat file.

So whichever way you choose to do it (either using the asynchronous module definition (AMD) pattern using something like RequireJS or using a tool like UglifyJS or using another similar solution) there are definitely good ways to load your handle your project’s JavaScript JavaScript in an efficient and effective manner.

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Loading JavaScript with RequireJS

RequireJS according to it’s website is…

…a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code.

In this section we will walk through some basics on how and when you can use RequireJS and discuss some of the benefits you may get from doing so. Personally, I’ve always thought that RequireJS can be a somewhat confusing concept to wrap one’s head around at first. I think this may have mainly been because a lot of times RequireJS is demonstrated in the context of a big web application project and it can sometimes be difficult to follow what its responsibilities are in the midst of numerous files doing all sorts of different things. So we are going to start off very very slowly (we’re just going to use it to load a couple JavaScript files) and we will look at doing more in depth things later on.

You can grab the demo files below from this tutorial if you want to follow along…

Demo Files

Why Use RequireJS?

Why would you want to use RequireJS? Well there can be a number of reasons but at the bottom of it all the main purposes are to keep your JavaScript nice and organized, fast-loading, and easily extendable. If you are just doing a little bit of jQuery for a bit of enhancement on the front end of a website, then maybe RequireJS is a bit overkill for your purposes. However, the real value of RequireJS comes in when you start to develop larger client-side web applications that have numerous JavaScript files, with different dependencies, all interacting with one another..

Often times, if you look in an HTML document of you’ll see something like the following…

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