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How to Take Retina Display Screenshots on PC using Firefox

In previous posts we looked at how to create mobile application projects using Apache Crodova and we saw how we could use HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to develop mobile applications on this platform. And we also walked through the submission process of your app to various app stores (Apple’s App Store and Google Play).

One component of the submission process that we didn’t really cover is the process of taking screenshots of your application. These are required to create the “preview” aspects of your app that the app store will present before a user purchases/downloads your app. Obviously there are any number of ways you can take screenshots… everything from browser extensions, to online services, to pushing the “PrtSc” button on your keyboard. But one of the things that inevitably comes up is the need to take high resolution screenshots, particularly those of the retina displays of iPhones and iPads (displays with 2x and 3x pixel densities). Taking screenshots at these resolutions will lead to some pretty large screenshots. You can see the full list here in Apple’s developer documentation. As you can see, some of the screenshots require some fairly large dimensions. At the time of this writing, the 5.5 inch iPhones require dimensions of 1242 x 2208 pixels for hi-res portrait and 2208 x 1242 pixels for hi-res landscape. The iPad pro screenshots have to be 2048 x 2732 pixels for hi-res portrait and 2732 x 2048 pixels for hi-res landscape. Those are pretty big and you may not have a way of capturing a display this large.

So what to do? Fortunately there is a way to take high pixel density screenshots using the Firefox web browser. You don’t even need an extension and you don’t need a monitor with a high DPI (dots per inch) display. Here is how you can do this…

  1. To start it is assumed that you have your app viewable as a demo in the
  2. Open Firefox and from the menu select Tools > Web Developer > Responsive Design View.
  3. Set the resolution according to what you need. e.g. for 4.7-inch Retina displays (iPhone 6) set 750×1334, and for 5.5-inch Retina displays (iPhone 6 Plus) set 1242×2208
  4. Open the hamburger menu in Firefox and set the zoom level e.g. for 4.7-inch Retina displays (iPhone 6) you can set the zoom to 200% and for 5.5-inch Retina displays (iPhone 6 Plus) you can set the zoom to 300%. Firefox will change the pixel ratio according to the zoom level and will respond to resolution media queries. This will give you the correct responsive layout and high DPI rendering.
  5. Press Shift + F2 to open the console and type in “screenshot” (and maybe hit space bar) then <ENTER>. This part is important. You must use the console instead of the screenshot button to get a high DPI screenshot. Using the little screencap button in the developer tools is no good. If all goes well, you should see some kind of indication on the screen that the screenshot has been saved/created

Now you will have a high resolution screencap with the correct dimensions that you can upload into iTunes connect! Thanks Mozilla!

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Asynchronous Processes Inside of a Loop in JavaScript

As the web development world becomes more and more asynchronous with the emergence of technology stacks like Node.js, REST APIs, and some of the features we see in ECMAScript 6 (the latest version of JavaScript), there are whole new dimensions involved with how we exchange data over the web and how we code for this. One of the challenges with asynchronous programming is that there might be some additional considerations regarding the specific time that certain parts of your code executes and/or the order in which data is coming in to your callback functions that you set up to execute when your processes are complete. If things happen when you don’t expect them or in a different order than you expect them if you’re not ready to handle this, you’re going to get some undesirable results.

What is an example of this? What if, say, I had to do something this?

for(var i=1; i < 6; i++) {
        console.log('The index is ' + i);
        console.log('The data is ' + data);

Here I have set up a callback that will execute when our hypothetical asynchronous process is complete, but I also want to have access to the value of the index in the callback. If I had a list of items and I wanted to do an async process on each of the items in my list, this is some information that I would want.

If were to run this we might see something like the following in our console…

The index is 5
{ data: "item2" }
The index is 5
{ data: "item1" }
The index is 5
{ data: "item3" }
The index is 5
{ data: "item5" }
The index is 5
{ data: "item4" }

Hmm, that doesn’t look right. Why is this happening? Well, it’s because as far has JavaScript is concerned the asynchronous process that we run is done executing and JavaScript moves back up to the top of the loop and continues on. Thus, the value of the index in our loop rockets to 5 before any data comes back. What’s more, the data that we are getting back is coming in at different times in no particular order.

If we wanted to do things in a particular order, this state of things might be difficult. We might end up having to do some sorting after we get our data back for each item and we really do not have any idea when we are actually done (apart from maybe keeping a count of the response we get from our async process). This is a cumbersome and non-performant way of doing things. What we need is a way to maintain the context of the index of our loop in our callback function(s) so that we are able to keep some semblance of order as we do these async processes. How can we accomplish this?

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Submit Apache Cordova Applications for iOS and Android to the Apple App Store & Google Play

In the past, we have looked at setting up Apache Cordova mobile applications for iOS and Android with HTML5, JavaScript and how to develop for this versatile platform. In what follows we will look at how to submit your application to the app stores of the respective platforms once you have finished developing your application.

As we looked at before, you will need a computer with the SDKs of the platform(s) you want to release on. If you want to release for Android devices, you will need to grab the Android SDK. I actually recommend you install Android Studio as this will download everything you need for this and future releases. If you want to release for iOS devices, you will of course need a Mac computer with Xcode installed. Unfortunately, you cannot develop iOS applications without a Mac. So if you want to build and release for iOS you will have to find some way to get access to one.

You will also need to sign up for developer accounts for the platforms you want to release on. These developer accounts do cost money. For Google Play (Android) there is a one time developer fee of $25. For an iOS developer account the fee is $99/per year.

Once you have signed up for your developer accounts, we can build our applications for release on the iOS and Android platforms.

Submitting to Your Cordova App for iOS to the Apple App Store

Once you are satisfied with how your app functions on all of the devices that you want your application to run on, you can start the process of preparing your project for submitting your app to the Apple App Store.

To submit your Apache Cordova application for sale (or free download) on the App Store you will need to go through the normal process that all apps must go through before they are submitted to the store. Building an app for release on iOS is a fairly straightforward process. You need to compile the release file by running the following command in the root of your Cordova project…

$ cordova build --release ios

This will build your application for release. There will be a generated Xcode project in the platforms/ios directory

Next, you’ll need go to and click on “member center.” Sign in with your developer account if you have not already.

Creating an iOS Distribution Certificate

Click on “Certificates Identifiers and Profiles” and then on the next screen click on “Certificates.”

Click on the “+” button on the certificates page and scroll down in the production section and choose the “App Store and Ad Hoc” option and click “Continue”


We will want to create a new certificate so we will need to open up Keychain Access. The easiest way to do this is in your Mac click on the search bar in the top right and search for “Keychain Access” and open this application, Click on Keychain Access in the menu in the top left, and in the dropdown hover over “Certificate Assistant” and choose “Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority”


This will open up a modal which you can then fill out the e-mail address with your developer account e-mail and then a common name which can usually just be the same of your organization. After you have filled these out choose the “Save to disk” option and save the certificate to wherever you want on your computer.


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Develop Apache Cordova Applications with HTML5 & JavaScript

In a prior discussion we looked at how to set up a project so that we could develop an Apache Cordova application using HTML5 and JavaScript. In that section we mostly covered how to set up, build, and run the project — which consisted of the same application in the www folder that Apache Crodova bootstraps when you create a new project. In what follows we will look at the approach for actually writing own code for our app and will look at how an app in Apache Cordova gets initialized. We will also look at how we can extend the Apache Cordova platform by using plugins to give ourselves additional features and functionality that will make for an all around better user-experience (UX) for the users of our app.

Now that we have our project set up and all our platforms added all that we have left to do now is create our application by creating what basically amounts to a website that runs HTML and JavaScript in the “www” folder. How should one develop for Apache Cordova? Personally, I would delete all of the boilerplate files and folders and start from scratch. That is what we will do here. Just take a quick note of how things are referenced in the index.html file and do the same for your own files.

In doing this, I have modified the index.html file in the “www” folder to the following…

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap: 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">
        <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">
        <meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no">
        <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width">
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index.css">
        <title>Cordova Application</title>
        <div id="main">Initializing...</div>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/index.js"></script>

Note: Do not worry about that “cordova.js” reference or the fact that this file is nowhere to be found in our “www” folder. Apache Cordova will utilize this in the proper context when the app runs (so leave it in there).

So as far as the index.html goes, there is nothing too fancy. I have a css file (index.css) and a js file (index.js). That is all you need to get started.

Next, let’s look at our JavaScript in the index.js file. There is really only one thing you need to make note of when you develop Apache Cordova applications in JavaScript. There is a special event that Apache Cordova uses to tell the platform that the everything is loaded and the device you are using is ready to start running JavaScript in your Cordova application. This is what is known as the “deviceready” event. It only fires when you are running an app within a Cordova context (i.e. on a device or an emulator of a device). In a lean version of JavaScript for a cordova application would look like the following (in index.js)…

var app = {
    init: function() {
        document.addEventListener('deviceready', this.main, false);
    main: function() {
        document.getElementById('main').innerText = 'App is ready...'


Here we are calling the “init” function which will add a listener for the “deviceready” event. When this event fires the “main” function will run, which in this case just changes the inner text of a div element So if we run this using

$ cordova emulate android


$ cordova emulate ios

from the root of our project we will see our device boot up, our app launch, and if all goes well we will see the text “App is ready…” so we know that our event is firing.

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Create Mobile Applications for iOS and Android with HTML5, JavaScript, and Apache Cordova

Obviously at the time of this writing in the 2nd decade of the 21st century, you are no doubt well acquainted with the immense proliferation and impact that mobile apps have had in and on our world. It was not long ago that we were all sitting at our computers at our desks for the large majority of the time we spent in our various avenues of technological communications over the Internet — complete with our with our giant monitors, whirring computer fans, buzzing drives, and the garbled noise of dial-up modems. Now, mobile phones and tablets probably make up as much, if not more, of our time spent working, playing, and communicating online. Everyone has a ~$100 to $600 smartphone (i.e. computer) in their pocket. And with this rise of mobile, apps found on the popular stores — like Apple’s iOS App Store, Google Play (Android), Amazon and a host of others — have completely transformed the way that we do anything and everything because well, there is an app for anything and everything. Every single facet of life probably has an app to manage some aspect of it. Need to remember to breathe? There is an app for that! Yeah, that is a joke (probably)… but there are plenty of “real” apps out there (e.g. iBeer) that are just as pointless. Fun and goofy, yes, but pointless. And they all post their pointlessness to Facebook and/or Twitter.

Whether you want to develop an app to manage some minute aspect of life or just create a fun game, or whatever else, you can download the SDK for the platform(s) that you want to release your app on, do some tutorials, and start building. That’s all well and good, but if you want to port your application to another platform (e.g. release an iOS app also for Android), you will essentially have to try rebuild the same app using the languages in tools of a different platform. For example, iOS apps for iPhone and iPad have traditionally been developed on a Mac in the Xcode IDE using the Objective-C programming language (though Apple has recently released a new language called Swift that can also be used to build iOS apps). Android apps, by contrast are built using Java and Eclipse or the more recently released Android Studio. Native Windows Phone apps are built using C# and XAML in Visual Studio. Other platforms have their own setups. If you want to take this approach you definitely can, but it should be fairly apparent that developing and maintaining a number of different codebases for multiple platforms quickly adds up to a lot of time, effort, and often money as the sizes and complexity of your apps increase.

At the same time as the rise of mobile in the past decade, something else has occurred: the rise of HTML5 and JavaScript web applications. Beginning at around 2009 – 2010 one of the more noticeable developments was the rise of websites and web applications making use of more open technologies such as HTML5 and JavaScript to bring interactivity and 2-way communication between clients (usually browsers) and servers. With Flash on the way out due its proprietary nature, resource hogging, security issues, poor SEO — along with its being snubbed by Apple for support on iPhones and iPads for basically all these reasons — meant that something had to fill the void. HTML5 and JavaScript moved into this space and developers started turning to it for creating interactive “app-like” experiences.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were a way to write a single application in HTML and JavaScript with a single codebase and have a way to port this application to all of the different mobile platforms? I am so glad you asked.

Apache Cordova — also commonly known as “PhoneGap” (the only difference between the two is propriety) — allows us combine combine these open technologies together with the SDKs of the various mobile application platforms to make native mobile applications using technologies such as HTML and JavaScript. You can basically create a small static HTML and JavaScript website or web application and this code will be imported into native iOS, Android, Windows Phone projects and configured specifically for the respective platforms. Thus, you *do* still have to have the SDK of the platform installed to build, run, and release the apps. So to create an iOS app you will still need a Mac and Xcode. To create Android apps you will need to install the Android SDK (which comes with the Android Studio IDE). But the important aspect of using Cordova is that the HTML and JavaScript that each project will pull in and build will be the same across all platforms. Want to release an update with some slick new features or fix some bugs that have been reported by your users? You need only change your code in your HTML and JavaScript. You don’t have to try and rewrite the same code and/or functionality in a different language on each platform. From there all you need to do is run a few simple commands from the command lines and your HTML and JavaScript will get built and converted into an application that can run on the platform(s) you are targeting.

In what follows we will explore what it looks like to use Cordova to create a mobile application in HTML and JavaScript that can run on a number of different platform. For our examples, we will build our app for iOS and Android, but the process is essentially the same for building for other platforms (e.g. Microsoft Windows Phone, Amazon Kindle Fire). You would just need to download the SDKs for those platforms if you wanted to run your app on those types of devices as well.

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