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How to WordPress – Install WordPress on WAMP Server

Welcome to another episode of “How to WordPress”.. an ever-continuing collection of WordPress how to tutorials, resources, and videos.

In this session of “How to WordPress” we’ll discuss how to install WordPress on WAMP Server. Recall that in a previous episode we looked at how to install WAMP Server. Now that we have that in place we can install WordPress on WAMP Server and start running our installation just as we would be doing if this were a production environment. There are a lot of benefits to having a local WordPress setup. We can do all of our editing of pages and posts offline before publishing them. We can do our theme development locally. And we can install different plugins to test them out to see if we like them and we don’t have to worry about mucking up our production environment.

Those using Macs will want to look into MAMP server, which is essentially the same idea behind WAMP server (only for Mac).

Video below…

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How to WordPress – Set Up a Local Web Server for WordPress

Welcome to another episode of “How to WordPress.” How to WordPress is an ongoing collection of WordPress how to resources, tutorials, and videos aimed at making a better WordPress experience for both beginners and seasoned vetrans alike.

In this episode of “How to WordPress” we look at an all important first step: setting up a local installation of a web server using WAMP Server. There is also a MAMP server available for Mac users. What “setting up a local web server” means is that you can run a website or web application entirely on your own computer and have things run just as they would (or close to it at least) as if it were your live server that hosts your website out on the internet. So you could run an entire WordPress website entirely self-contained on your own personal machine. Your local setup is not exposed to the Internet, no nobody can access your site or see anything you’re doing.

Setting up a local web server is great for development, testing, and experimenting with anything else that you might want to do before you push something live to your production server on the Internet. This particular video is more of a general overview of the installation process, but it’s still a very important first step in getting WordPress set up locally.

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Create a Theme Config File in WordPress

One of the aspects of WordPress that people really like is the ability to add options. This is something that WordPress theme and plugin creators use heavily. They’ll create an options page or pages so that anyone who uses their theme or plugin can customize numerous different components of the theme… everything from look and feel, to contact form data, to portfolios, to just about anything else under the sun. Creating an option is as easy as storing adding an option:

<?php add_option('nbs_background_color', '#FFCC66'); ?>

Then to use an option in your webpages you just need to call get_option…


Note: Notice that I used the prefix “nbs” (for Nine Bit Studios) before my option name. This is a common practice to prevent potential collision with other options because each option has to have a unique name. It’s very possible that another plugin that I have installed may have used the option “background_color”. By adding a prefix this is no longer an issue.

That’s all well and good, but there are a few potential downsides to this. For one, depending how your options are set up, it can be a fair amount of work to add, update, or remove options because you have to edit the code to register the option, edit the form for the user to set or update the option, edit the code to handle the values they set, etc. Hopefully, you have your theme or plugin options set up such that making changes is as smooth and easy as possible. It’s not a difficult process, but it can get a bit involved as the number of options that you want to handle grows in size and complexity.

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Add Additional Comment Form Validation in WordPress

Spam is inevitable. It’s just a reality of life on the Internet. And if you have a blog or a website running WordPress and you open up your comments form, spam is going to come your way. Fortunately there are great tools such as the WordPress staple Akismet or Antispam Bee that you can use to catch spam in your spam filter. But even though these sorts of tools provide an extra layer of protection, I also think it’s still a decent practice to to moderate all comments because there are times when those spammy comments can still sneak through.

What is the downside to this? Well for one, you’re going to have to be actively monitoring your blog spam filter because there is always the possibility that some actual legit comments get caught in the filter. But if you get a lot of spam, this isn’t really feasible. Who want’s to sift through 10,000 spam comments about larger penises or Louis Vitton handbags on a daily basis. If you’re into those things maybe you do… but for most, they’d probably rather not.

Fortunately there are ways to reduce the number of spam comments that actually get through into your filter. Before I implemented the following approach, I used to get hundreds and hundreds of spam comments a day in my spam filter. After this though, I reduced the amount that came through to around 10% of what it was. On that note, I just want to reiterate though that, this is not a bulletproof solution. You are still going to get some spam (so don’t go setting your WordPress settings to “Allow all comments all the time” just yet). But what this can do is provide a little extra validation to stop some of the the dumber bots from continually hammering your comment form submission system. Less spam to sort through is always a better situation overall. Nobody wishes for more spam.

We are going to add a nonce to our WordPress comment form to provide some additional validation. A nonce is as stated on the WordPress codex…

The nonce field is used to validate that the contents of the form request came from the current site and not somewhere else. A nonce does not offer absolute protection, but should protect against most cases. It is very important to use nonce fields in forms.

You can find more information on the general use of nonces elsewhere on the web. They’re not specific or unique to WordPress.

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Creating a Facebook “Like” Box in WordPress

In what follows, we’re going to take a look at how to create a Facebook Like Box in WordPress. If you create a Facebook Like box on the Facebook developer’s page, Facebook will give you some code to paste into your website. Something like the following…

<iframe src="//;width=292&amp;height=590&amp;show_faces=true&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;stream=true&amp;border_color&amp;header=true" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:292px; height:590px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

This is an example of the iframe generated code, though there are a number of different types of code they’ll give you to choose from (HTML5, XFBML, etc).

You could certainly take the approach to paste this code directly into the PHP files in your WordPress theme where you want to show your Facebook Like box, but we’re going to do this in the form of a WordPress shortcode. That way we can pass in variable content to our Facebook Like box and we don’t have to update the raw code anytime we want to make a change.

Create a function in the location in your theme where you normally register your shortcodes. A lot of times this is the functions.php file but in the author’s humble opinion I believe that there are ways to keep your code more organized. Whether you are using functions.php or a class, add the following function to your code wherever it seems good to you…

function facebookBoxShortcode($atts, $content = null) 
	extract(shortcode_atts(array("id" => '', "path" => '', "showfaces" => 'true', "colorscheme" => 'light', "bordercolor" => 'white'), $atts));
	$scheme = '';
	$faces = '';
	if ($colorscheme == "dark")
		$scheme = "dark";
		$scheme = "light";
	if ($showfaces == "false")
		$faces = "false";
		$faces = "true";	
	return '<iframe id="'.$id.'" class="facebookBox" src="//'.$path.'&amp;colorscheme='.$scheme.'&amp;show_faces='.$faces.'&amp;border_color='.$bordercolor.'&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>';

Then immediately after this you’ll want to register your shortcode…

add_shortcode('facebookbox', 'facebookBoxShortcode');	

If you are registering your shortcode in a class — which I think is a good idea — then you’d use the following slightly different code instead…

add_shortcode('facebookbox', array($this, 'facebookBoxShortcode'));	

What we are doing in our function is allowing for a number of different variables to be passed into our shortcode.

  • id: This is where we can set the “name” of your Facebook box. It is used as an identifier if you want to have multiple different Facebook boxes on the same page. It can have any single word string value but each should be unique because (as you can see in the code), it maps to a CSS ID selector.
  • path: This where you’d want to se the URL of the Facebook page you want people to “Like”. The default we have set is, but you’d want to change this to your own page.
  • colorscheme: This setting could have the string value of either “dark” or “light”
  • showfaces:
  • bordercolor: Set the color of the border here. The default value is “white.”

We are now all set. Once you have your variables all configured the way that you want them, to use our newly implemented shortcode you could just add the following to your page or post…

[facebookbox id="myFacebookBox" path=" here" showfaces="true" colorscheme="light" bordercolor="white"]

If you wanted to use this code outside of the WordPress Loop, such as your sidebar.php or footer.php files, you could use the following….

echo do_shortcode(‘[facebookbox id="myFacebookBox" path=" here" showfaces="true" colorscheme="light" bordercolor="white"]‘);

May many Facebook “Likes” follow you wherever you go for all the days of your life.