
First of all, if you purchased these files, thank you so much for doing so. It is immensely appreciated and truly humbling that you would choose to go with 9bit Studios as a solution to your website needs. These documents will walk you through how to use, edit, and implement everything contained within these files. Hope that you enjoy using it and thank you again for purchasing.

If you did not make a purchase yet and you are just here browsing the docs, feel free to continue doing so. After all, it is here where you will find out what kind of support you will have if you decide to aquire a theme. If you like what you see, consider purchasing a theme. You can check out all the features, styles, and layouts of the themes available for sale here. And, of course, please feel free to send any questions or comments you might have have via the contact page.

Before we get started, here is the boring licensing information (let's get it out of the way here so we can get to the fun stuff). Basically, you may modify anything in the included files to suit your needs, and you may use the files one time per purchase. So you are free to use these files for your website or for a website you are building for a client.

What you cannot do, however, is resell or redistribute these files for commercial or non-commercial purposes (e.g. as downloadable files on a personal webpage or commercial webpage). For further additional information regarding license agreements, please see the licensing terms referenced in the documents that are inculded with the theme.

*Whew* Now that we've got all of that out of the way... let's get going! To get started, click here.