Popup Gallery Shortcode

Displays a popup gallery containing images and video...


[popupgallery], [popupgallery_item]


Should have the value of the path to the *first item that you want to display in the gallery* whether that is an image, video, or something else. This should be a path to something somewhere either on your server or elsewhere on the Internet. It will be the first item to display in a pop-up when it the applicable link is clicked.

Can have any value. This is the name of the partcilar gallery. The only caveat to this is that the name have to be unique.


[popupgallery path="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh8mOqPUh7U" name="gallery1"] [image path="https://www.9bitstudios.com/images/wordpress-themes/palm-trees.jpg" alt="Palm Trees" border="true"] [/popupgallery] [popupgallery_item path="https://www.9bitstudios.com/images/wordpress-themes/rain-leaf.jpg" name="gallery1"]

After you add the initial item you then use the [popupgalleryitem] shortcode to add additional gallery items. All you have to do is make sure that the name matches the name of the initial [popupgallery] shortcode. In this manner you can have as many gallery items as you like.

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