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The following section lists some places where some of the resources (fonts, images, etc.) used in creating this product were found. There are, of course, a number of different places to obtain resources all over the web. However, it is often difficult to find fonts, images, and sounds that are permitted for use in commercial projects that are also free.


This product uses images found on one or more of the following locations...

Public Domain Pictures
A very nice repository of public domain images.

Komodo Media
This application also uses the social media icons pack from Komodo media found here. It is licensed under Creative Commons Share Alike.

Another quality collection of public domain images.


This product uses images found on one or more of the following locations...

Font Squirrel
Font Squirrel a site that claims to have a larger grouping of free fonts with licensed permissions for use in commercial works. However, the site does not necessarily have all of the license sign-offs on each and every font and claims to only state that there appears to be no restrictions on commercial use (though they do have the license for a good number of them). Further investigation may be required.

Ten By Twenty
Has a small number of free fonts for which license to use in commercial works is granted without fee.

External Applications

This product uses the following external applications (i.e. applications not developed by 9bit Studios but free to use in commercial works)...

This program uses prettyPhoto jQuery pop-up scripting to show image and video galleries. For the most comprehensive explanation on how to use prettyPhoto, you should refer to the documentation and forums on the prettyPhoto creator's website here. Another good place to look would be the prettyPhoto index.html file found in the "external_apps" directory of this theme.

Nivo Slider
This program also uses the Nivo Slider to display content on the homepage and subpages. For more on how to use the NivoSlider, please refer to the Nivo Slider Webpage.

A second different type of homepage slider. Supports video. For more on how to use the BXSlider, please refer to the BXSlider Webpage.

Great way of displaying a Flickr photostream using jQuery

Displays tweets in list form